Welcome, my friends, to the show that never ends!
It's the greatest show on earth, the unending spectacle, and what the Metatron implies is one of the biggest jokes in Heaven... it's
Human Mating.
Watch, stare, gape in abject horror at the atrocities you will see performed right before your very naked eyes!

As zombies hunger, nay starve, for the taste of human flesh, so does the same seem to go for your friends, your neighbors, your parents and children... even you yourself. So in this vein, let us explore... Zombie Mating Calls.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wow. I am PISSED.

I was all writing a response to this snatchbag when suddenly, out of the blue, I was reminded that I have an outlet for just such douchenozzlery as this.

Beware, big file and LOTS of outrage on the way.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sorry for the delays...

The real pre-apocalypse world has paralyzed me this week, but I did manage to do a little scouting, and I'm swinging for the fences! I owe you a Wednesday, a Thursday, a Friday, and a Saturday to catch up... Let's see if we can build ourselves a squishy little four way!
VixeyDimera wants you to know that she is tired of dating loosers.
I bet she'd love Nice Guy, though Caveman might make a nice diversion. Maybe he could coach from the sidelines while Questions kicks in a nice long running commentary about the whole thing.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Tuesday morning, first day of a new work week, and I get called off. Know what that means?

So I go trolling my old hometown Craigslist for a little "man seeks woman" action, because let's face it: m4w is, as Tyler put it, "The richest, creamiest fat in the world. The fat of the land."

Now, understand that Tallahassee is not Charleston. I really don't think the two cities would even particularly get along if they met in a bar: Charleston would be casually sipping down a heady amber, nodding its head at the pretty girls; Tallahassee would be shooting a cheap whiskey and Coke with lime, salt and self-loathing enema up its own ass.

And I present to you, The Wrestler. "Could lead to a LTR." Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday's Zombie

I need a lot of help here. Seriously.

Allow me to begin by introducing >ahem<

Can I please get some rules or something regarding the use of racial epithets? Is there maybe a style manual or something that can tell me how and when and under what social circumstances it is okay to use derivatives of the epithet "chink," especially when one is not Asian at all? Even in reference to oneself, and even MORE especially when one IS NOT ASIAN AT ALL?

I can understand her confusion, though, as English is obviously about a third language for her. Capitalization, punctuation, the most basic indices of phonetic similarity to the intended word... wow.

Thank you, thank you. Thank god for you, CHINKY EYEZ MZ FIYA RED DIVA, the wind beneath my wings.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Would someone please just follow this link and confirm to me that I read it right? I... I am... This defies words.

(((LIVE))) Entertainment

Sunday's Zombie

Sorry, I fell behind. I blame the alcohol.

Please peruse the following from Not Your Average Girl... I quote, "I'm posting on cl because because I'm looking for someone special." Then dear, you're doing it wrong.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Okay, you're going to have to bear with me for a second. This one's going to require a little setup.

First, I want you to go and watch this clip of Pickles the drummer from Dethklok (the show Metalocalypse). Pickles is the guy with the red dreds.

Now, I want you to read this profile in that voice. I give you the greatest douchebag that ever lived: I give you PainBlanc.

His self-described body type? "Jacked." JACKED, people.